Getting a divorce in New Jersey is generally quicker, cheaper and easier if it proceeds as an uncontested divorce — where both parties agree on the major issues and are prepared to sign a marital settlement agreement.
Category Archives: Family Law
Beginning the Divorce Process in New Jersey
Whether you make the decision alone or with your spouse, divorce throws up many considerations, questions, and potential complexities.
One of the main things you’re probably wondering is how does it all start? What processes must be navigated and how can you ensure that you follow the rules so that there are no unnecessary hiccups or delays to your divorce?
Grandparent Rights in NJ
Do grandparents have any rights regarding visitation and custody in NJ?
How to Prove a Parent Unfit in New Jersey
Proving that a parent is unfit can be very difficult. Courts are biased in favor of keeping children with their parents. Judges and mediators know that it’s very common for divorcing parents to accuse each other of being unfit. But, actually being an unfit parent is very different from having a disagreement over child rearing.
How You Can Help Teenagers Cope with the Divorce Process
Because they are older and more mature, it might seem that adolescents are better able to cope with their parents’ separation and divorce than younger children. This belief is so common that people may wait until their kids are teenagers before initiating a divorce.
What Is Guardian Ad Litem in New Jersey Divorce?
During a divorce, one of the most difficult and emotional decisions is getting agreement on child custody arrangements. The court’s primary objective is to look out for what is in the best interest of the child(ren).
The People You Should Have on Your Divorce Team
No matter how simple it may appear, getting divorced is an emotional, stressful experience. While going through the process, you may not even be aware of how great an impact it is having on you. It’s tough to make rational decisions and take care of you and your children’s well-being while your life is being profoundly changed. That’s why it’s important to have a team of professionals to support you and your children.
What to Expect During an Early Settlement Panel
The early settlement panel is an alternative marriage dissolution program designed with the intention of helping both parties reach a settlement before an actual trial.
The Intensive Settlement Conference Explained
In New Jersey, three settlement meetings are required before parties are permitted to go to trial: the Early Settlement Panel, Economic Mediation, and the Intensive Settlement Conference.
Dissolving a Civil Union in New Jersey
Couples in civil unions can obtain separations that are the equivalent of divorces from bed and board. Thus, partners can live separately but resolve issues like custody, support, and property division without formally dissolving their union